...SONA everywhere on the news. My two cents worth.
Nobody can please everybody.
It's good PNoy is serious with his anti-corruption, economic, and
social welfare goals & campaigns, and that the people are active and
vigilant. This can be healthy, given regulated.
Meanwhile, as we actively observe his performance, let us not
forget to take time mull over balanced views, unblinded appreciation, active
involvement, and self-initiated activities even just for our personal concerns.
The government is there to promote the welfare of the people...and
we, the people, are here to help our gov't, regardless of what or whose
administration, to make the government's mandate to happen--through our
actions, no matter how small or big. Light starts with a spark.
Whoever sits on the presidency, citizens will always have a
say--dismay or satisfaction. It's the people's right. The government has
duties; the people have rights and privileges imbued with responsibilities.
The microcosm of a progressive and strong government is an
informed and diligent Juan. A silent worker finishes more than the ranting duo
or trio or group.
As Gandhi puts it, "Good government is no substitute for
self-government" and "Be the change you want to see in the
To be fair, PNoy's 2 years in the lead is relatively better than
the previous administration. One very good thing, he is serious with his
anti-corruption drive--good start to tackle the vicious cycle of poverty. He
still has 4 years to properly cook his goals.
Let's get involved.
Lord, bless all those who have less than I do and stir within me a spirit of sharing.
Let gratitude and giving be my banners and let all be Yours.
May justice and mercy have places of honor within my being
And may my hands work to relieve suffering wherever I find it.
~Vera Salter