Friday, February 3, 2012

Rewind and Refuel

We all have dreams. Dreams are for free! And sometimes, we want them so badly that we pray for them night and day.

Dream job, ideal relationship, comfortable house, car... Whatever we dream of, they all have one thing in common--excitement!

All our dreams excited us at one point. And there must be a good reason why we work hard to achieve them, why we can't sleep just thinking about them, why we pray for them, and so on.

However, there are moments when we already have them our excitement dwindles and we gradually take them for granted.

A friend once told me, "I once dreamt to land on this job. Now that I got it, I am not sure if I am still happy." Another friend said, "I was head-over-heels with my girl, and she is till the lovely lady I fell in love with, but the spark has gone."

What steals our attention and feelings? Our perspective.

Just like a camera lens, when we're out of focus, our visions blur making us overlook the details and reasons that brought us to that subject.

Revisit the times when you were hungering for that dream you have now fulfilled. List down the reasons why you wanted it so badly, and from there, press on those items everyday so you are always reminded of the reasons that once fueled you to achieve and move upwards toward that goal.

Do not forget your start off point. Instead, make it a platform for you to reach your next destination. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with your first pitstop all your life and will go round the rotund whining and ranting.

It's much easier to push your dreamcart up the hill, than pull it forward in the plain.

Revisit. Focus! Anchor your attention to where your heart started off. Then move forward to your next destination with the recall of the things that excited you... And capture every turn, detour, checkpoint, people you hitchhike as you journey to your next pitstop [dream].

Don't let any distraction steal your momentum!

Align your viewfinder. Focus. Capture!

Rewind. Revisit feelings. Refuel! ...and dream again, and achieve it!

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