Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sunrise: New Day, New Life

When a dream slips out, you can always make another one, a better one. When your drive withers, you can always take a break...but never stop progressing! Or sometimes on the way to your dream you get lost... just keep moving forward, you'll find a better one. Keep on keeping on! There is joy and wisdom in waiting and working.

Rise and shine!

New year, new life, new learnings, new opportunities, and new goals are here!

The holiday has just ended... Christmas, our time for loving, giving, and reconciliation. New year, our time to start anew and set our goals for the year and years ahead.

Some of us started the year right. Others did not.

The good news is, it’s okay! Whether it was because of our own choices and actions that we started the year right or not, the important thing is we sustain our desire to become better, wiser, and live a more joyful life.

Christmas, the time for loving, and New Year, the time to change, are NOW! Every day is a day to love and to become better.

Focus on your goals! Pray for them. Write them down. Read them everyday. Act upon them.

Better than new year is NEW DAY every single day.

You can always decide to transform and elevate your life every single day.

Everyday we have to test ourselves and do something for ourselves… if not, it would be a wasted unrecyclable, unreusable day that is supposed to be a priceless resource.

If some things get in your way as early as now, don’t be disheartened. Just keep on moving forward and upward. Dedicate yourself to your goals and remember your feelings and thoughts when you decided to make them your goals.

When a dream slips out, you can always make another one, a better one. When your drive withers, you can always take a break...but never stop progressing! Or sometimes on the way to your dream you get lost... just keep moving forward, you'll find a better one. Keep on keeping on!

There is joy and wisdom in waiting and working.
Don’t be fixated on the problems, trials, roadblocks, and vampires… focus on your PURPOSE. What are your goals? Why are they your goals?

Be patient.

When things don’t always turn out the way you plan them to be, it’s alright. God is not in a hurry anyway… Besides, impatience never works. Press on!

You cannot right a wrong with another wrong (impatience). Never operate out of ego, selfishness, envy, nor impatience.

If some people, things, or circumstances beyond your control try to dishearten you or pull you down, let them do their thing but you… you keep on moving like a snowball—getting bigger and better and rolling towards your goal.

Pray for your goals. Focus on them. Always do something about them everyday—no matter how small or simple—because God wants you to be involved and part of the solution and your improvement.

Don’t be concerned on how fast you get them, focus on how good you get them and how long will you be able to sustain them once you get them.

Focus more on your journey than on your destination. It is always better to get there equipped and deserving, than get there quickly and pass out or unhappy or could not enjoy things for long.

If along the way you lose something important… move forward focusing your time, resources, and energy to the new things you may receive, learn, and get hold of.

Keep on rolling! Be patient. God has a wonderful future for you… enjoy each step every single day.

Live out your PURPOSE! If you focus on the purpose, the problems and losses become irrelevant. Aspire and achieve!

Enjoy every sunrise! Hope and give hope. Be blessed and be a blessing.

Live each day a happy life… Decide uprightly and maturely. Like a piece of clay that we mold into whatever we want, our decisions are what form our future.

Rise. Shine. Give light to others.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” ~ Isaiah 43: 18-19

PS: Joyful, meaningful, and blessed 2013! May you start the year with thanksgiving for the year that was, and with stronger faith, refreshed spirit, renewed ways, and transformed heart. More than relying on gems and charms, utilize and let shine your inner gem—loving, generous, cheerful, grateful, and faithful heart. Let prayer and faith in God be your shield and strength. Have a blessed and meaningful 2013! Pray. Work. Bless.

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