Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Death That Brings Many Good Things to Life

Truly God's unconditional love, grace, and mercy are best reflected to us through our parents :-)

Papa must be very happy in heaven celebrating his 16th year today of being a citizen up there :-)

I thank God for lending us one of His greatest creations to touch our lives, inspire us, and teach us many useful and significant lessons in life that we can use, especially when he had to leave and upgrade his citizenship and leave for heaven :-) Because of papa I strive to become an imperfect yet doing my best to become better person so when people see me they will think how good the tree that bore me...

Exactly 16 years ago, I cried so hard because I lost the man I loved most... Now, I smile peacefully and with a very grateful heart for the love and all the good things that I receive through that loss.

Like a seed that needs to die in order to make way for a beautiful fruit-bearing tree is the love and presence of papa that needed to physically go to make way for the lasting good fruits in my life, including mama's and bros'.

More than papa's inspiring love, mama's unwavering and unconditional love as a mama-and-papa-in-one for makes me feel truly blessed and truly loved :-)

So to my angel up there, happy birthday in heaven Pa!
To my wingless angel with me here, thank you very much Ma!
Truly God's unconditional love, grace, and mercy are best reflected to us through our parents :-)

(...2009 letter to the greatest man in my life. )

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