Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Standard and Choices

If you expect improvement in the quality of your life, deliberately transform your decisions and actions. Cast a vision for yourself and press on it.

If you are a “100%” person, 90% is hard to accept. If you are an “80%” person, 90% calls for a celebration.
Setting standards is not bad. It is neither harsh nor limiting. Rather, it allows us to freely choose on the array of better set of actions we have pre-determined before the cloud sets on top of our heads.

Standards lead us to get or land on what we want out of this good life. Standards enable us to sail with stability in the midst of storm of trials and to maneuver with direction on the fork of confusion.

What would be harsh is if you drown yourself on sadness or disappointment if you don’t get what you set yourself to achieve. But life isn’t as cruel as many of us think it is.

Shortcomings, loss, disappointments, and others sorts of pain are there to make us feel uncomfortable and prod us to desire to feel better and determinedly strive to become better.

If you lose an important thing in your life, grieve, feel the pain… but not too long, that you drown yourself in tears.

We always have a decision. Everyday we are given the opportunity and privilege to make our own choices that we deem best for ourselves—sometimes for self-preservation, other times simply as a response to our desire to become better in terms of health, relationships, career, finances, skill, etc.

Standards are there to guide us; to provide us with a concrete handle to grip on as we push towards our goals, our desires. Choices are there to allow us to freely act upon our set standards; to permit us to have a little tightening here and loosening there in times we feel or think it best to adjust the sails toward our goals.

Cast vision for yourself! Press on it.

Set standard on how you must live your life so you can optimize your gifts and resources and live a full life.

Live a balanced life by making the right choices.

Be brave! Worry not. You always have a choice on how to act upon your goals and respond to the accompanying challenges.

Direct your actions toward a certain goal. Focus your energies to your priorities. Systematize your actions. Breakdown overwhelming tasks.

Not only for our goal-setting and lifestyle that we can set standards, but also on whom to follow and be with.

We can choose either to be with someone who gives us tears or bring us joy; who stagnates us or who empowers us. We can choose a leader who acts upon the common good or who acts upon the stale principles of his party. We can choose whom to obey, the one who intoxicates us with sin or the one who died on the cross for us to be saved.

Set a standard so you can discern and choose the right things when faced with life-changing circumstances.
But whatever standard we put up, I encourage you to consider five things:

1       -To make what honors and glorifies God your core
2       -To regard only the things which bring good to most people
3       -To be constant in your journey on the path of uprightness, no matter how uncomfortable the trip may be
4       -To remain grateful and hopeful, knowing God is at work in your life everyday
5       -To act responsibly, no matter what you choose to get or act upon on

If you expect improvement in the quality of your life, deliberately transform your decisions and actions.

Change only happens through series of actions, not through words. Go make a choice and act upon it! If you are determined, you can do it!

Set a standard, and make a choice that is rooted in it.

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