Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Feast: Six Steps to Optimal Health: 3. Heal Through Loving Relationships

*Genesis 2:18
-“Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

*Ecclesiastes 4:9
-“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work”

*People get sick because they are poisoned by their bad/ill relationships or because they don’t have love

*Basic relationship on earth: how’s your relationship with your parents?

*Only LOVE heals


- In 1956, Harvard made a study on healthy men, asking them how their relationships with their parents are. Their choices for their answers were: close to both, only close to mother, only close to father, close to none. After 10 years, the researcher checked their health. The results are below:

>Close to both parents:
-27% sick
-53% healthy
>Close to mother:
-82% sick
-18% healthy
>Close to father:
-91% sick
-9% healthy
>Close to none: 100% sick

- Sickness is separation (sickness is caused by stress, worry, fear, sadness, and other negative emotions)
- Perfect love casts out all fears
- Celebrate. Love. Connect.
Separation LOVE Connection

- When you forgive, trust, and love, you walk towards healing.
- We are not wired for separation/quarrel; we are made for love.

-Some Italians from the province of Roseto migrated to Pennsylvania (that’s why there’s a place there not called Roseto also). Other doctors and scientists found a ‘medical anomaly’ in Roseto, Pennsylvania. All residents there are healthy and live longer compared with other Americans. It was later on discovered that the residents of Roseto, Pennsylvania brought their Italian culture of lovingness, cheerfulness, and close family ties and resisted the individualistic culture of Americans.


- When you love sincerely, you feel healthy
- It’s God who heals… He has given us everything we need, including the power of love to heal our bodies.


Heal Through Loving Relationships

I. Open up

1. Build a Roseto (close family) at your homes.
 build the capacity to give more love and to openly receive love
 spend more time with your family

2. Give more love
 S study was conducted among women with breast cancer. After the study, it was found out that those women with caring group (family and/or friends) lived twice as long; the other group without caring group, most of them died in less than 5 years, some a little over 5 years.
 With a caring group, joy and love are multiplied; and sorrows and sadness are divided.

II. Touch

1. Start showing your affection (go against the culture of individualism)
 Touch, hug, love
 It was proven that a pat on the back from loved ones lessen blockages in arteries by 60%
 Psychologist Sydney Gerard went around the world to observe people touching their partners in different restaurants. He found that:
- Puerto Rico: ave of 180 touches per hour
- Paris: ave of 110 touches per hour
- US: ave of 2 touches per hour
- London: 0

3. Create a culture that acknowledges one another (handshake, beso, hug)
4. Create a culture of “loving”

III. Volunteer

 Cornell University conducted study among 427 mothers with children. Researchers found out that longevity of mothers’ lives do not depend on number of kids, but whether they volunteer or not:
- who did not volunteer: 52% got sick after certain number of years
- who volunteered: 36% got sick after the same number of years

 The fastest and most effective way out of depression (thus, sickness) is OTHERS.
 Help others and you will help yourself.

IV. Accept more

1. Accept and give way.
 There are times that we are convinced that we are right; but we must also accept at times that the other person is also right (and we may be wrong).

2. Let the other person explain his side until he feels satisfied (for couples).
 Bro. Randy Boromeo and his wife never encountered a fight in their marriage life yet because they hear each other’s sides with patience, and whenever they feel that their emotions are mounting already they just hold each other’s hands.
 Make you own cues, be vigilant of each other’s cues, and understand each other.

3. If you want to be healed lose your need to defend your point of view.
 Surrender to God your excess pride
 Have a humble heart
 Don’t judge right away
 Remember that the quality of you life depends on the quality of your relationships.


*Proverbs 22:24
- “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered”

*John 15:15
- “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

*Ephesians 4:32
- “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”


 Forgive! God wants to heal you.
 Live in LOVE
 Accept. Submit everything to God. Trust his love for you.
 Remove pride! Be GRATEFUL and HUMBLE.

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